Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Don't waste your life on yourself.

Don't waste your life living for yourself. This is a lesson I will always be learning. We are selfish people but focusing on ours selfishness keeps us locked securley in a prison of ourselves. Rather pray that you will love others effortlessly. Give to others in big and small ways. Don't waste your life worrying about money.  I am only truly fulfilled when I am in love with God and His love overflows into a divine care for others. Only when I am willing to let God have complete control of my life am I able learn these lessons. I want to learn to love others completely, give my money freely and spend my life in thankfulness for the gifts God has given me. If you learn to look at your relationships as gifts, I think it will change your perspective on how you are treating your friends, family and acquaintances. They are not yours, you do not own anyone. Take a risk and love outside of yourself.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mischief Managed!
Today is a day to celebrate. The last Harry Potter movie in the magical series comes out tonight at midnight. I am excited to wear Harry Potter garb and be admist all of the obssessed fans. My friends are heading down the the theater early with catch phrase and Harry Potter clue to keep us busy during the 5-6 hour wait in line. I am thankful for all of the HP fans who are coming to celebrate this moment. Growing up with this masterpiece has been an incredible experience, and we owe it all to J.K Rowling. Thank you for dreaming up the best fantasy of all time. A beautiful memory that our generation will cherish forever.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Contentment in the moment

Our society is constantly moving. We are always filling our lives with "stuff." But why? Why are we embarrassed when we have nothing going on. I believe we need to change the way we view time. Instead of viewing time as something that we own, think of it as God's time. We are not in control of the hours, days or weeks. Instead of living like you have to pack everything into your summer, enjoy each moment you are a part of. Instead, think about what you are doing right now and be thankful. Don't let time consume or control yourl life but enjoy each hour for what it is, whether you are busy or not. Never live in the past or constantly look toward the future. I honestly believe that if our view of time changed, we would trust God more fully and love people genuinely. We pass up opportunities every day because we are focused on ourselves. Give your time to God and let him fill you and refresh you so that you can enjoy your life instead of wishing it away.

Ways to let go of control and enjoy your summer more fully
1. Go on a walk without your cellphone or watch
2. Don't speed-listen to music in your car and enjoy the ride
3. Read a book but don't get caught up in finishing quickly
4. Invite someone over and don't plan anything afterwards so you aren't pressed for time.
5. Pray throughout your workday that you will be thankful for your job and pray for other people
6. Learn to be okay with free time

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It's not that I love America, I just love themed parties.

Elizabeth and I woke early yesterday morning to prepare for our 4th of July BBQ. We cleaned, frosted the cake and set up our festive table. I started the day out with a cup of delicious coffee at Starbucks with Michele. Afterwards, we came home and made the party happen! We barbequed burgers and hot dogs, played yard games like Ladder Ball and Corn Hole, sipped on Amber's famous ice tea and Jeremy's choice of beer, and celebrated the day in happiness. I love bringing people together and I really enjoyed all of the festivities.
You can always count on Michele to make any party look fantastic!


Table Spread

Jeremy, the trustee BBQ man.

Assorted Party Favors

Liz was very proud of her patriotic cake.

White rustic chairs: $9 Antique store in Coeur D'alene

Bubble wars.

More bubbles.

Caty's great form while playing Ladder Ball.

Aaron and Rebekah lounging on the hammock (the only area with shade).

Waiting for the fireworks.

More waiting.

Red, White and Blue!


I would say it was a very successful Fourth of July.
I asked a couple of the guests write down their most memorable 4th of July activities. Here are some highlights:

Walking to the park with blankets to watch fireworks, bottle rockets in Grama's driveway, pops with cousins, campfires with Aunts & Uncles, Sparklers with best friens, late night explosions out my windown, iced cookies with sprinkles & my red polo shirt-Liz

Walking through the freedom fair on the waterfront in Tacoma, writing my name is sparklers, watching the fireworks show in Dayna's parent's bedroom, sitting on a strangers lawn surrounded by strangers but feeling like we are friends, eating hot dogs and snow cones and enjoying summer-Sara

Fathom'f of Fun Carnival rides, snake races, climbing on Bailey's roof and gettting dirty, fireworks, from my uncles Larry at my grandparent's, seeting off fireworks in our kiddie pool, throwing fireworks at a cop car at the age of 6 because my older cousin said it was a good idea, Port Orchard Waterfront Parade-Caty

Watching my mom do boat races on the lake, my dad lecturing us about how dangerous fireworks were, and lighting them anyway at a friend's house, watching fireworks over the river at Gonzaga, Lake Wilderness with Lindsay and a million people at the leech-filled lake, BBQ at a friend's house and not knowing anyone else but loving every second of it-Kathy

Going to my older sister's friend's house, Conrad-the big guy who smoke cigars, older friend's lighting off fireworks and exploding random things, thinking all of these people were really cool, making a massive bonfire with a can of wax in the middle causing the biggest explosion of fire I have ever seen in real life (because I've seen bigger in movies of course). -Monte

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fourth of July Memories

The Fourth of July always holds a special place in my heart. I grew up with most of my family (aunts, uncles, cousin and grandparents). We would all spend every holiday and birthday celebrating together. The Fourth of July was an opportunity for my family to host a big BBQ on the back deck. We would spend the afternoon eating hot dogs, fresh watermelon and homemade ice cream. I can just see my Papa making everyone laugh, my mom and Nana making sure everyone is full and the cousins playing games in the pool. This was a day where everyone was happy and content to be exactly where they were. At dusk we would all head down to the Columbia River and park my Dad's truck on the side of the road. We would all pile into the back with blankets and wait for the firework show. My grandpa lived close by so he would walk down and bring us buttered popcorn to enjoy during the show.

This is a blissful memory for me. I hope that when I have a family one day, they will be able to enjoy this tradition just as much as I did. This year I will be in Spokane for the Fourth. My housemates and I are hosting a BBQ in our backyard with hot dogs, lemonade and fresh fruit. I am excited for the red white and blue decorations and food preparation. I will miss my normal holiday traditions this year, but I will hopefully be starting new ones with friends.

Share a Fourth of July memory. I would love it hear about it.

Friday, June 24, 2011

New book, fresh apriocot and sunshine.

Last night my wonderful boss, Alan Jacob, surprised me with an opportunity to take today off! I had no plans and was excited for a restful day. I woke up to a lovely text from my friend Sara saying that she was heading to Revive coffee at 9. So, I jumped out of bed at 8:40, pulled my hair up, brushed my teeth and headed out the door. I had 2 cups of delicious drip coffee and caught up with two good friends. Afterwards, I decided to head to Barnes & Noble and bought the first Harry Potter book in hardback. I have decided that slowly I am going to own all of the books in hardback. So I made my purchase and drove home listening to Michele and Jonathan's playlist from their wedding. I cut up my apriocot that I bought at the market yesterday and read the first couple of chapters of The Sorcerer's Stone.

I love being productive in the morning and I love the sun. I am thankful for today and I want to make this day last.  I know that there will be good days and bad days, sunny days and cloudy days. My hope is that I learn to be thankful for the days that are good and faithful in the days that aren't. God never lets me go and loves me for me. I don't have to prove anything and my prayer is that I love God without expectation. I am learning to seek the Lord in my lonliness and my joy. Thank you God for this day and this moment of sun and happiness.